10th Grade

It's a great idea to start thinking about college as early as possible so that you can set yourself up for success!

Follow these 7 action items below in your sophomore year of high school and you'll be well on your way to the college of your choice!

Action Item #1: Strengthen your extracurricular involvement

If you’re still into the activities you’re a part of, push yourself to take the next step. How can you get more involved?

Don’t forget to continue tracking all of your involvement in your Scoir Account Profiles and your Raise.me profiles to earn money for your involvement/accomplishments.

Action Item #2: Focus on keeping grades up

This year is important because colleges know that you’ve been in high school for more than a year now and hopefully have a better handle on how to navigate your classes with success.

Action Item #3: Ensure that you meet with your counselor

Speak with your counselor to make sure you align your schedule with your interests and make sure you have challenging classes you feel you can be successful in while also making sure you’re not overloading yourself.

Here are some classes you can take: Dual enrollement, Magnet, and AP courses. Again please speak to your counselor so they can show you whats avalible in your school.

Action Item #4: Prepare for the PSAT

Review the “in the test” section of the collegeboard’s PSAT website page so that you can get a better idea of what to expect on test day.

Don’t forget to link your college board and Khan academy accounts so that when your PSAT scores come out you can get personalized practice based on your scores to help you prepare for the SAT you will take in 11th and 12th grade.

If you need help linking the accounts, click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=patbkNnnAQ4

Action Item #5: Attend a local or virtual college fair

Spend some time on the Scoir college search pages to discover schools you might be interested in. Once you have some schools of interest, see if you can visit their campus (in person or virtually), join webinars and info sessions offered by the schools, explore their website, etc.

Now is a great time to start learning about where you might want to apply!

Action Item #6: Revisit your YouScience profile results in Scoir

Review your scores to see if you still have interests in the same careers. Then research about these career opportunities? Possibly shadow someone or intern for someone in this career or a related one?

Action Item #7: Plan a summer experience

Getting hands-on experience related to your career interests to help you understand what you do and maybe don’t like about certain positions in the field.

Continue growing professionally through these experiences.

Special Opportunities

U Dreamers Program

The U Dreamers Program is intended to meet 100 percent of an admitted student’s demonstrated financial need. Depending on the amount of the award, it could potentially cover tuition and mandatory fees, on-campus housing, a meal plan, and University health insurance.

The American Dream Scholarship

Qualifying students can get two years of tuition-free attendance at Miami Dade College.

This money will be applied to cover additional costs after any other scholarships have been applied and depleted.

The Dream.US Scholarship

Scholarship opportunity for undocumented students in Florida.

Recipients can receive up to $37,000 annually to cover tuition costs, housing costs, and more at one of their Florida partner colleges!