
A Word on Reaching Out

The pathway to post-secondary education may sometimes be difficult to navigate as information is often changing and new legislation frequently affects local and federal mandates.

The good news is that there are many ways to get help.

Remember that you are not alone, and you should never hesitate to ask for support, assistance, or clarification.

Some Advice

Get to know your CAP Advisor and school counselors as early as ninth grade.

These Student Services professionals will provide academic advisement and resources to assist you in formulating and implementing your post-secondary plan.

College and university admission recruiters can also be a great source of information and assistance. These individuals usually have a lot of experience helping students with unique circumstances and may be willing to walk students and their families through required documentation processes and provide alternative solutions for undocumented students.

There are also many organizations both local and national taht are willing to assist and provide advocacy for you and your family.

Beware of misinformation or individuals charging for services. You often can find free resources and services from reputable organizations that are able to provide current information to support undocumented and mixed satus famillies within our community.

Below you will find a list of organzations that provide both legal assistance and advocacy support. Many of these trusted partners aided with the creation of this guide and stand ready to support you.

Legal Assistance and Resources

Americans for Immigrant Justice

  • Award-winning non profit law firm taht fights for justice for immigrants through a combination of direct representation, impact litigation, advoacy, and outreach.

  • Phone: (305)- 573- 1106

  • Director: Jennifer Valdes

National Immigration Law Center

  • Legal aid organization that advocates for human rights and humane immigration laws.

Advocacy and Resources

Sant La Haitian Community Center

  • Sant La's work involves addressing the chronic services gaps for the Haitian/Haitian American community of South Florida resulting from social isolation and lack of awareness about available community resources.

  • Their main goal is to empower, strengthen and stabilize South Florida's Haitian community by providing free access to information and services.

  • Phone: (305)-573-4871

Mexican American Council (MAC)

  • The main goal of the MAC is to advance the living standards of farmworker youth by breaking the cycke of poverty through education, the arts, and civic engagement.

  • MAC is a well- respected advocacy of community issues and an agent of positive change for promoting cultural and civic engament with a record of over 30 years of service in the community.

  • Director: Eddie Garza

  • Program Manager: Marilu Garza

Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC)

  • Statewide organization working for the fair treatment of all people, including immigrants.

  • Phone: (305)- 571-7254

Florida Student Power Network

  • Statewide multi-issued student organization empowering directly impacted youth through political education, organizing, and creative initatives to build collective youth power and fighting for a people-powered govermnet in Florida.

  • Immigrant Justice Coordinator: Nery Lopez

Special Opportunities

The Dream.Us Organization:

  • is the nation's largest college access and success program for DREAMers. We believe that all that DREAMers need is an opportunity. All we need to do is provide them with financial support to attend one of our Partner Colleges, committed to their college completion.

  • Local Contact: Maria Gabriela Pacheco

United We Dream