12th Grade

You've made it to senior year! Congratulations! You're so close to graduation and to beginning your exciting journey after high school. Follow these action items below to get on the right path to your future college!

August & September 

Action Item #1: Confirm

Confirm your final college list, application deadlines, and requirements.

Action Item #2: Finalize your responses 

The supplemental essays or additional questions on your college applications and have a CAP Advisor, counselor, teacher, or other trusted adult review them for you before you submit them.

Action Item #3: Review

Ask a CAP Advisor, counselor, teacher, or other trusted adult to review your whole Common Application.

Action Item #4: Continue researching/ working on scholarships

Action Item #5: Check in with your letter of recommendation

Writers to make sure that they have everything they need and that they are aware of the deadline for your letter and how to/where to submit it when they’re ready.

Action Item #6: Collect necessary paperwork for financial aid applications

 Here are some of the documents that you might need to have copies of before October 1st of your senior year: 

September - November

Action Item #1: Early decision submissions

Complete and submit your scholarship and college applications with early deadlines. 

Action Item #2: Regular decision preparations

Continue working on applications that have later deadlines. 

Action Item #3: Once your applications have been submitted

Make sure to continually check your email and follow up on any tasks and instructions from the schools themselves. Sometimes, they may ask you to create a new account on their website to check your application status, or they might ask you to send specific documents like current transcripts.

Action Item #4: Add schools you have submitted applications to the applied column in Scoir

To let your CAP Advisor or counselor know that you need to have your transcripts sent to that school. It’s also a good idea to follow up with the colleges you applied to so that you can make sure that they’ve received any documents they need from your high school.

Action Item #5: Send standardized test scores

Send test scores to the colleges you’ve applied to through your College Board and ACT Accounts. 

Check out this video for instructions on how to send your scores. 

Action Item #6: October 1st

Action Item #7: Last minute testing!

Take any last minute SAT and/or ACT exams that you might be registered for.


Action Item #1: Submit regular decision applications

Submit college applications that have “Regular Decision” deadlines. 

Action Item #2: Financial aid follow-up

Follow up on any financial aid applications you completed to make sure that they’ve processed correctly and that any college you’ve applied to has been added to your FAFSA list of institutions if you were eligible to complete the FAFSA

January- March

Action Item #1: Wait...

Wait to hear back from the colleges that you’ve applied to.

Make sure that you are continually checking your email so that you don’t miss any messages from the colleges you applied to about your application status or any documents they might still need from you. 

Action Item #2: If you were "deferred" from a college

Send a professional email (have it checked by your CAP Advisor, counselor, or teacher) to the local admissions representative from that college to remind them that you are still interested in their institution and update them about any new, significant GPA or course changes, academic achievements/honors/awards, leadership positions, etc. 

March - April

Action Item #1: Continue waiting...

Continue waiting to hear back from any and all colleges that you’ve applied to. Don’t forget to check your email regularly. 

Action Item #2: Acceptances!

Try to visit them either in person or via virtual campus tours and webinars/video sessions so you can continue getting a better understanding of what it would be like to attend that school and if they have all of the services/amenities that you require or hope for in your school. 

Action Item #3: Wait to receive financial aid packages

Colleges typically send these after having sent your acceptance and receiving all of your necessary financial aid information/documentation. 

Action Item #4: Check enrollment deadlines

 Which is the date by which you will need to submit a deposit in order to reserve your position at the school and confirm your acceptance of your offer. 

Action Item #5: Once you have officially enrolled in the school!

Make sure you list that school as “Enrolling” in your Scoir account on the  “My Colleges” page. This is an important step because once you graduate, this is the only way that your high school will know where they need to send your final high school transcripts. You should also update your other acceptance, deferrals, and denials in your Scoir account so that your school knows where you do not need final transcripts sent.

May- June

Action Item #1: Take your AP/ IB/  Cambridge exams

Remember that if you pass these exams you might be able to use those scores for college credit, which could save you time and money in college.

Action Item #2: Notify your CAP Advisor

About any scholarships you have won both from the schools you’ve been accepted to and from other organizations so they can celebrate your success and keep their records up to date and accurate!

Action Item #3:  Notify other colleges of your decision

Make sure to let other colleges you applied to know that you have decided to attend another institution. 

Action Item #4: Stay up to date on any emails

You receive from your selected college about housing and other steps you need to take to prepare for the start of your classes. 

Action Item #5: Make sure you sign up

For orientation at your new college (usually it’s a good idea to do the earliest session that you can to improve your chances of getting the class schedule that fits your needs).

Special Opportunities 

U Dreamers Program

The U Dreamers Program is intended to meet 100 percent of an admitted student’s demonstrated financial need. Depending on the amount of the award, it could potentially cover tuition and mandatory fees, on-campus housing, a meal plan, and University health insurance.

The American Dream Scholarship

Qualifying students can get two years of tuition-free attendance at Miami Dade College. This money will be applied to cover additional costs after any other scholarships have been applied and depleted. 

The Dream.US Scholarship

Scholarship opportunity for undocumented students in Florida. Recipients can receive up to $37,000 annually to cover tuition costs, housing costs, and more at one of their Florida partner colleges!